Become a Provider

(Cloud Service) Providers supply server resources to INIChain, which, once audited and validated, become part of the distributed computing power within the InitVerse network. Its purpose is to assist providers in offering computational resources to users. We have carefully designed an initial audit (Please find more details in auditor section and regular validation mechanism to ensure the quality of cloud service providers. We will reject any providers with issues such as insufficient staking amounts, unqualified equipment, unstable networks, or blacklisted IP addresses. This decentralized architecture enhances the security and reliability of the InitVerse network, as no single entity controls the entire network.

Providers offer hardware resources through the InitVerse platform. Kubernetes clusters act as a unified management layer in your platform, helping to integrate resources from different cloud providers and providing tenants with automated, efficient, and reliable resource management services. This allows your platform to offer a flexible and efficient cloud resource rental experience. The matching of resources with users is carried out through blockchain smart contracts, ensuring transparency, security, and efficiency.

The blockchain validator can regularly initiate challenges to regularly verify that the provider is still qualified. These challenges are actions directed towards the Kubernetes clusters of the providers' hardware. If the hardware is not suitable, providers will be asked to modify and fix the issue. If the issue remains unresolved, they will be slashed.

In addition to serving as server providers, Providers can also participate in mining and block production through the InitVerse client. are incentivized with INI tokens distributed along block generation. During the mining process, the number of tokens staked by the provider is directly proportional to the probability of successful mining. To maximize token rewards, providers need to provide better equipment to increase computational power and stake more tokens showing a bigger commitment to the network.

Last updated